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Sjálfbærni | Sustainability    Kaldalón    11:00

Sýndarvirkjanir til bættrar auðlindanýtingar

Hvernig getur sjálfvirknivæðing og samþætting gagnastrauma á raforkumarkaði stuðlað að bættri auðlindanýtingu og hröðun orkuskipta? Í fyrirlestrinum verður fjallað um mikilvægi þess að nýta betur raforkuna og hvernig raforkunotendur gegna lykilhlutverki í því horft til framtíðar. Með aukinni sjálfvirknivæðingu og stýringu álags er hægt að bæta samkeppnishæfni íslenska raforkukerfisins en einnig stuðla að aukinni sjálfbærni. Til verða sýndarvirkjanir sem draga úr orkusóun og skapa aukið svigrúm fyrir orkuskiptin framundan.

Íris Baldursdóttir, Snerpa Power
CEO & Co-founder
Ferilskrá (BIO)
Driven by a passion for the sustainable and intelligent use of energy resources, Íris Baldursdóttir has worked for over 20 years in the power sector. She founded Snerpa Power with an equally passionate and knowledgable partner, Eyrún Linnet, to transform the way power intensive industries use electricity, activate their flexibility potential and accelerate the energy transition.
She has held various positions at ENTSO-E, the European association for the cooperation of transmission system operators (TSOs) for electricity, and at Landsnet, the Transmission System Operator for electricity in Iceland, where she most recently served as Executive vice president of System Operations and ICT. She started her carrier in Sweden, working for ABB on international, high voltage projects.
Íris holds a B.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Iceland and a Master's degree in electrical power engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. In 2020-2021 she finished an AMP (executive education) at IESE in Barcelona.

Hvernig getur sjálfvirknivæðing og samþætting gagnastrauma á raforkumarkaði stuðlað að bættri auðlindanýtingu og hröðun orkuskipta? Í fyrirlestrinum verður fjallað um mikilvægi þess að nýta betur raforkuna og hvernig raforkunotendur gegna lykilhlutverki í því horft til framtíðar. Með aukinni sjálfvirknivæðingu og stýringu álags er hægt að bæta samkeppnishæfni íslenska raforkukerfisins en einnig stuðla að aukinni sjálfbærni. Til verða sýndarvirkjanir sem draga úr orkusóun og skapa aukið svigrúm fyrir orkuskiptin framundan.

Íris Baldursdóttir, Snerpa Power
CEO & Co-founder
Ferilskrá (BIO)
Driven by a passion for the sustainable and intelligent use of energy resources, Íris Baldursdóttir has worked for over 20 years in the power sector. She founded Snerpa Power with an equally passionate and knowledgable partner, Eyrún Linnet, to transform the way power intensive industries use electricity, activate their flexibility potential and accelerate the energy transition.
She has held various positions at ENTSO-E, the European association for the cooperation of transmission system operators (TSOs) for electricity, and at Landsnet, the Transmission System Operator for electricity in Iceland, where she most recently served as Executive vice president of System Operations and ICT. She started her carrier in Sweden, working for ABB on international, high voltage projects.
Íris holds a B.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Iceland and a Master's degree in electrical power engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. In 2020-2021 she finished an AMP (executive education) at IESE in Barcelona.