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Aðalræðumenn (Keynote Speakers) 



Tanmay Bakshi

rating star   Algorithm-ist
weblink Darwin Ecosystem

Short BIO: Tanmay, 14 ára, er heiðursráðgjafi og talsmaður IBM á sviði tölvuskýja sem byrjaði að forrita aðeins fimm ára gamall. Hann er á meðal yngstu forritara á sviði hugrænnar tölvunar og tölvuskýja sem þróa forrit til að auka getu mannsins með notkun djúptauganeta. Síðustu níu árin hefur ástríða hans fyrir því að læra og deila þekkingu sinni á ýmsum greinum, meðal annars hugrænni tölvun og gervigreind, kennt honum hvernig hægt er að nýta vélrænt nám (e. machine learning) með sem bestum hætti á vettvangi banka- og fjármálastarfsemi, heilbrigðisþjónustu, læknisfræði, tónlistar og spjallþjarka. Tanmay er um þessar mundir að vinna í markmiði sínu um að þjálfa og vekja áhuga 100.000 barna og byrjenda í forritun með bókarskrifum og kennsluefni á YouTube rásinni sinni. Einnig er hann að þróa einstakt kerfi fyrir fólk með Rett heilkenni sem mun gera þeim kleift að tala í gegnum rafboð á heilariti sem kerfið nemur og túlkar.

(Tanmay, age 14, is an Honorary IBM Cloud Advisor and Champion, who began coding at the age of five. He is among the youngest cognitive and cloud computing developers who build applications engineered to augment human capabilities via deep learning. Over the last nine years, his passion for learning and sharing about numerous topics, such as cognitive computing and AI, has taught him how to best utilize and apply Machine Learning in fields ranging from banking and finance to healthcare, medicine, music, and chatbots. Tanmay is currently working to achieve his goal of inspiring and training 100,000 kids and novice developers through the books he's authoring and the tutorials on his YouTube channel. He is also developing a unique system for those with Rett Syndrome, so they can "speak" through the detection and interpretation of EEG signals analyzed by his neural network systems.)


Rui Manuel Gidro  

Rui Manuel Gidro

rating star  Partner at Deloitte Portugal

weblink  Deliotte Portugal

Short BIO: Rui Gidro is a partner in the Deloitte Consulting division and member of the Strategy & Operations group. Rui has specialized in the transportation industry, in particular in the airline industry . He is currently working with the major airline in Portugal. During his career, he has mostly specialized in the transportation industry and public sector both in Portugal and Angola. Rui is now leading the municipality sector in Portugal along with the Smart City team mainly on the strategy side.

Marc Rotenberg 

Marc Rotenberg

rating star   President
weblink  Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

Short BIO: Marc Rotenberg is President and Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, DC. He teaches information privacy and open government law at Georgetown Law and frequently testifies before Congress on emerging privacy and civil liberties issues. He is a founding board member and former Chair of the Public Interest Registry, which manages the .ORG domain. He is editor of "The Privacy Law Sourcebook" (EPIC 2016) and "Privacy and Human Rights" (EPIC 2006) and co-editor of "Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions" (The New Press 2015) and (with Anita Allen) "Privacy Law and Society" (West 2016). He currently serves on expert panels for the National Academies of Science and the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology, and Innovation. 


Glen Koskela 
Glen Koskela

rating star   Fujitsu Fellow, CTO Nordic and Head of New Business Development
weblink  Fujitsu

Short BIO: Glen has over 34 years of experience with a wide range of business, technology, solution and services context in international and senior roles across the Fujitsu group. He drives co-creation with customers to digitalize their business operations, jointly designing innovative solutions that leverage Fujitsu’s R&D capabilities. He has a broad understanding of the impact of emerging technologies on the market and customers. Glen has been granted the title of Fujitsu Fellow. He participates actively in the work of national innovation system and currently serves as Chairman of Innovation Working Group for the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries.