Collaborative Agile: Agreements that Drive Partnership, Not Paperwork
Learn practical approaches to how to succeed with agile contracts fostering productive client, stakeholder and customer collaboration while maintaining budget control and project flexibility. This session explores strategies to shift from rigid, fixed-scope project structures to adaptive frameworks that prioritize continuous improvement and value delivery. It will focus on the necessity of and valuable outcomes from close collaboration, mutual trust and open communication thus centering human interactions and embracing uncertainties in the development process. Through case examples, including a major open-source collaboration between all Danish municipalities, this session illustrates how collaborative processes can thrive when trust, transparency, and agility replace strict contractual confines. Discover how to balance expectations and project adaptability for successful, sustainable partnerships.

Alice Jensen
Alice Jensen is a Partner and Head of Agile at Reload, a Danish digital agency. Alice is a dedicated advocate of agile methodologies, with more than 15 years hands on experience. She is continuously shaping and refining Reload’s project management practices. She has been instrumental in creating many of Reload’s core project tools and collaborates closely with colleagues to enhance how the team engages with clients. With a finger on the pulse of each client relationship, Alice fosters cross-team learning and drives continuous improvement, ensuring Reload consistently delivers excellence.