The lesser-known Possibilities of Generative AI
Generative AI (GenAI) is transforming industries through well-known applications like text generation, image synthesis, and automated code production. These applications showcase the GenAI’s ability to create human-like content across domains. However, beyond out-of-the-box capabilities, GenAI models can be fine-tuned to produce even more tailored and sophisticated results. With the right tuning techniques, users can optimize models to better align outputs with specific requirements, enhancing both creativity and relevance. Practical examples will be provided to illustrate how these adjustments elevate GenAI’s utility.

Johannes Hecher-Wulff
Dr. Johannes Hecher has been working in data evaluation and image processing since 2012. As a project assistant at the TU Wien, he led the development of a physics experiment and various work packages in international collaborations. He was working in the automotive, marine and aviation industries for four years, primarily in AI applications with camera systems but also other sensors. He is specialized in problem solving around structured data, as well as image and signal processing. Since 2021 he has been part of the Crayon Data and AI Center of Excellence in Vienna.