Unlocking the Future: How AI is Powering the 3D Printing Revolution
Additive manufacturing (AM), or industrial 3D printing, is transforming how the world builds parts, offering the potential to disrupt traditional manufacturing. Yet, its full adoption for end-part production has been slowed by outdated process monitoring. Enter a new wave of innovation: cutting-edge monitoring solutions that go beyond mere defect detection. With predictive capabilities, these tools turn process monitoring into a proactive, game-changing force. Industry giants are driving this revolution to unlock AM’s true potential. By enabling precise, real-time insights, these advancements are breaking barriers and paving the way for scalable, reliable 3D printing. This is more than just improving efficiency—it’s a bold leap toward a digital manufacturing future where innovation knows no bounds. The next generation of manufacturing has arrived, powered by AM’s limitless possibilities.

Hildur Einarsdóttir
Hildur gegnir stöðu nýsköpunarstjóra (Chief R&D Officer) hjá sprotafyrirtækinu Euler. Hún útskrifaðist með doktorsgráðu í hagnýtri stærðfræði og tölfræðilegri myndgreiningu frá Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) árið 2016, eftir að hafa lokið M.Sc.-gráðu í rafmagnsverkfræði frá sama skóla árið 2011. Áður en Hildur gekk til liðs við Euler, gegndi hún hlutverki sjálfvirknivæðingarstjóra hjá Marel, þar sem hún og hennar teymi lögðu sérstaka áherslu á að innleiða gervigreindar- og myndgreiningartækni í matvælaiðnaðinn.