Machines are your biggest fans
When presenting information online, odds are machines are your biggest readers. Or trying to be. It used to be web crawlers feeding information into search engines but now you have to factor in data gatherers for AI models, AI powered browser tools that summarize individual pages on your site or the entire site and automatic translators.

Helga Waage
Helga has always been at the forefront of innovation and creativity. With a Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Pittsburgh, she’s been shaping the future of technology for decades. Back in the day, she was leading a team at OZ, building chatbots before most people even knew what they were! She’s led projects that taught computers to speak and understand Icelandic, and as CTO of Mobilitus, she helped create solutions that sold tickets to events for more than a billion dollars. Now, her mission is to make sure AI can recommend all kinds of events for all kinds of people so we can all get out and experience fun things - by our selves or with our friends and family.